Cacao Epic
I'm trying some of Green & Blacks Organic Hot Chocolate. Nice. Should help me get to sleep tonight. Hot milk with chocolate. It just prompted me to ask Google Suggest where it originally came from. My first impulse was that it entered the Western culture when Grijalva's expedition arrived at Vera Cruz, and followed a year later in 1519 by Cortes. But Grijalva's expedition either didn't notice it, or missed it when they were there.
I was reading recently the tale of the Conquistadors from Bernal Diaz' first hand account. All the time as I was reading it, I wanted more detail. To read it as a full blown epic novel or watch it as a film. While he went into detail over a lot of what happened, I still felt that it could be turned into a fantastic novel or screenplay. Maybe it already has been done, and I just don't know about it. Certainly it was a very entertaining read.